Apple's brand-new iphone 6 & iphone 6 Plus, got the largest screens-display Apple has ever put on there phone.
Apple's iPhone 6 features a large screen of "4. 7-inches". The iPhone 6 Plus got 5. 5-inch screen with awesome colors. Both feel enormous in comparison to the tiny 4 inch screen for the iPhone 5S.
You guys ain't gonna believe me, right? Here is you can see iPhone 5S in the top of the iPhone 6 Plus. The entire body of the iPhone 5S fits within just the screen of the iPhone 6 Plus.
So, If you guys been an iPhone user the past couple of years, the newest, bigger screens could be a bit jarring, even with the slightly-smaller iPhone 6. But for the software side, Apple has got some clever and cool tricks to help you guys out.
Here is what you should have to know if you are thinking about to make the transition at a small-screen iPhone to on of the biggest screen iPhone 6s.
Double tap (But, Don't need to press) the home-button to make it possible for the feature of "Reach-ability". Its gonna pull the top of the screen down so you can easily reach it with the use of your thumb.
In the Settings > Brightness and Display, you can easily enable the Display Zoom feature. This helps make your icons of the apps, apps, and menu items a bit larger for the higher quality, screen.
And If you wanna use the keyboard in land-scape mode in the iPhone 6 Plus, you get more options, including copy and paste.
The iPhone 6 Plus also explains more stuff in apps like Mails & Messages in land-scape mode. Here is a pretty cool look of Messages:
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