CS-Tool V.1.44.1 Added Read/Write Like Factory FW for SPD 7730/31,9830,8830 Without Root/ADB.
Unofficial Support Site By Welcome Zone Haldwani
AddedNew Boot for SPD7730/31 Android Version 5.X.X
Enabled Read/write For 8830
Enabled Read/write for 9830
Enabled Flash Read/ Write like Factory FW CSTool Format
- SC7730/31 Android Version 5.X
-- Read Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format) - Without Root/ADB - World First
-- Write Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format)
- SC8830
-- Read Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format) - Without Root/ADB - World First
-- Write Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format)
- SC9830
-- Read Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format) - Without Root/ADB - World First
-- Write Flash Like Factory FW (CSTool Format)
SC7730/31 Types Of Boots
-- SC7730/31-EMMC >> Normal Phones With Old Hardware also Can Say Android Version 4.X.X
-- SC7730/31_Sign-EMMC >> Phones With Secured like Huawei, Lenova Secured Boots
-- SC7730/31_SDRAM2-EMMC >> Phones with New hardware Also can Say Android Version 5.X.X
If any unsupported Phones, please Report us , Model Number , Brand , Android Version.
Messege to Crying Monkeys 2 teams Who are always Cry about my updates . do not cry always, we make always ourself the solution, still you tool need Adb or root read the flash SPD Android Version 5.X.X , now you have work copy the my solution... hurry up...
Very soon we will add Read Flash Compressed as *.pac.. or Convert Read Flash with *.pac format . we are working on it
Download from Offcial CS-Tool_MainSoftware_v1.44.1
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A second yet effective and natural cleanser is cranberry juice. Drink at least 2 liters of cranberry juice over a few hours every day to get rid of THC metabolites. Cranberry is also an antioxidant and contains copper and vitamins C, E, K1, and B6. Thirdly, you can try coffee. Coffee is a natural diuretic. So, it will help you flush out the THC metabolites through pee. Visit: https://www.urineworld.com/
BalasHapusAnd obviously, don’t let anyone see your kit! One of the oldest tricks in the book is to borrow someone else’s urine and then try to pass it off as your own. However, some companies have started using alternative technology to thwart these plans, including colored dye toilet water, turning off the water temporarily, and banning any jackets or coats, where you might have hidden another specimen. Companies like Test Clear and Clear Choice have devised strategies around this – like securing a synthetic urine bag inside one’s pants leg or bra. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! Any product, particularly one with delicate chemistry, will expire over time. Even rehabilitation clinics and prisons can order random drug tests if they have some reason for concern. RELATED: How to pass any drug test (urine, hair, blood, saliva) Luckily, all hope is not lost if you've recently done a little weekend pot and have a drug test coming up. Visit: https://www.urineworld.com/