Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.8 is out!
We introduce the new feature - Factory Reset FRP / Reactivation!Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.8 Release Notes:

Dear Octopus users,
We are happy to introduce the new feature - Factory Reset FRP / Reactivation.
No more waiting in queues. No more desktop sharing. No more hassle with combination files. All phones are supported! 100% success!
And be advised - this will reset Reactivation Lock as well.
* Note: this feature costs 200 Octopus credits per phone. Process time: mostly instant.
Purchase Octopus Credits from official reseller or from GSM Server store
Download Octoplus / Octopus Box Samsung Software v.2.3.8
They are much more reliable than any DIY remedies. Anyway, here is some of the misleading content & how to pass hair drug tests. While this method may work for other drug tests, like urine or saliva tests, the same is not true for a hair follicle drug test. The detection period for hair follicle tests lasts for 90 days. A few days without drug use will not do the trick. Unless you completely stop consumption for 90-120 days in advance, this simply will not work. Some people think that hair dye and bleach can be an effective way to pass a hair follicle test. While this may help to change your appearance, it won’t do much to change your test result from positive to negative. You could try bleaching your hair multiple times before the test, but it will completely ruin your hair in the process. Plus, your chance of success is quite low. A hair follicle drug test provides one of the most efficient and potent methods of any other drug test. Because the chemicals from the drugs end up in your bloodstream and ultimately become part of your hair cells, drug tests can identify drug use for up to 90 days prior to the test date. If you are searching for a reputed and trusted brand to come out clear in a drug test, then Test Clear is a good option. The brand has been giving away its helping people in clearing drug tests for a long time and has a successful history. The synthetic Urine kits, Urine Simulation with Powdered Urine Kit, and Urinator by Test Clear contain dehydrated synthetic urine in powdered form. The shampoo comes in a bright green color and the thick gel would disappear as soon as you apply this to the hair